

Owing to its rich buttery flavour, Salmon, the reddish, tender, and firm fish is one of the most popular fish dishes in America.
There are also numerous health benefits you can get from eating salmon.
There are various Pacific Salmon to choose from. They include:

  • Pink
  • Sockeye
  • King (Chinook)
  • Coho

Most of these Salmon originate from the wild.
Another option is Atlantic Salmon. American supermarkets only sell farm-raised Atlantic Salmon because the United States government forbids fishing for it.

Nutritional Advantages

Salmon has very little saturated fat and is an ideal source of protein offering about 200 calories per every 3 to 4 ounces of Salmon serving. If you want vitamin B12 in plenty, Salmon is one of the best sources. It also offers other nutrients like potassium, iron, and vitamin D in abundance.

Health Advantages

Blood and nerve cells benefit from the vitamin B12 in Salmon since it keeps them buzzing and aids in making DNA. Salmon’s wealth of essential fatty acids (omega-3) is the true beauty of how it benefits your health. Your body can’t make these fatty acids but they play crucial roles nonetheless. These essential fatty acids can reduce the chances that you will have:

  • Some cancers
  • Cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack
  • Cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and others
  • Dementia
  • They can also reduce the impact of rheumatoid arthritis.


According to experts, all adults should eat a total of 8 ounces (at least two portions) of omega-3 rich seafood like salmon weekly. Both EPA and the FDA suggest that children from the age of 2 eat 2 to 4 ounces (1 to 2 servings) of seafood a week. Young children and pregnant women should stay away from fish that contains high levels of mercury. Fortunately, Salmon is not among them. If you are looking for quality salmon to buy online I would recommend seeing smoked salmon online.


Although omega-3 has many health benefits, high doses of it like in supplements can cause bleeding problems if you are on anticoagulant drugs. So make sure you don’t overindulge.

There is also that wild salmon vs. farm-raised salmon debate. Some experts say wild fish contains fewer contaminants like chemicals. Others say that farm-raised Atlantic salmon is the better option since their growth and harvesting is done under federal and state regulations.

How to Prepare

If you notice a “fishy” smell from fish, stay away. Fish should smell mild and fresh. When buying fish, go for the refrigerated ones or the ones lying on a bed of ice. You should avoid squishily or leaking frozen seafood.
Cleanliness is of utmost importance when preparing your salmon. Your hands, utensils and cutting board should all be clean to avoid bacteria spreading from your fish to other foods.
If you have a frozen salmon, let it thaw in the refrigerator overnight. If you need it fast, put it in a leak-proof bag and let it thaw in cold water. You can also microwave it, but you will have to cook it right after.

Remember to never leave perishable foods like seafood at room temperature for a period exceeding two hours.
You should let your salmon cook at an internal temperature of 145 degrees F until its flesh becomes opaque and separates easily. You can have it raw but you should freeze it first to rid it of any parasites. Germs are likely to pop up in raw fish, this is why experts advise you to grill, poach, boil, or bake it first.

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