Going Away Party – 4 Thoughtful Tips And Ideas

Choose A Venue

Just because a person is moving away, never assume that they are willing to host the going away party at their house. You can only host the going away party at the home of the person going away, only if they offer it. Rather, consider choosing a venue where everyone can come together. Remember, going away parties are never fancy, and therefore, there is no need to book an expensive restaurant that will cost you thousands of dollars.

Your home will do. If not get together at their favourite bar or entertainment type of venue. All you have to do is call ahead to see if the venue allows big gatherings.

Create A Guest List

You have to identify if the guest list should only just be friends or a mix of friends and friends. If the party is not a surprise, consider asking your friends to provide you with a list of those to who he wishes to be invited. Doing this helps bring people who are not within your circle together and ensure they are not left out.

Send Out Invitations A Few Weeks In Advance

It does not matter how perfect you are in creating a going away party or the extent you have gone; if you do not send people the invitation early, you will find yourself in a dull party with not many people. It is wise to give people a date early. This means settling on a date early (ensure the party recipient is the first to see) and then sending out the invites at least 3 weeks in advance. Something simple like an email or text is enough to provide all information about the party.

This can be anything from the location of the party, the time, and other expectations like the gifts to bring, being ready to share memories, and more. RSVP is important when you are hosting the going away party at any particular venue that is not someone’s house. Doing this gives a person the idea of how many people are expected and prevent ‘maybe’. it might be in your best interests to hire a mobile bar to suit your party arrangements, Near and Far Mobile Bar can assist with this.

Choose A Party Theme

Going away parties are an excellent opportunity to have fun. This is why it is important to have a party theme, especially those that may come off as a little kitschy. Below are a few party theme ideas:

• A Packing Party – If the recipient of the party allows the party to be hosted at their home, why not consider a packing party. This kind of party offers everything you can get at a party like music, food, and drinks; but at the same time out packing house items and filling up one or more boxes.

• Bon Voyage Party Theme – Sometimes, the classic is the best way to go when it comes to party ideas. This type of party theme allows you as the party organizer to throw a bon voyage party with a travelling theme. This means all decorations should be travel-oriented.

• Destination party theme – Using the party as a way to celebrate your friend’s new journey and life in a new town or city. As such, if the party recipient is moving to a specific town, consider using decorations that represent that town or city. For example, if they are moving away to Miami, consider decorating the party room with palm trees, flip flops, and anything else identified with Miami.

You can have a plain party without any theme if you think that is what the guest would want. A going-away party is often a laid back affair. You can even have people come over and have a couple of pizzas and drinks, which is fine.

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