Bespoke Kitchen Benefits


1. Caters To Your Specific Needs

The people who will be using the kitchen are considered to be the most important part of the creation of a bespoke kitchen.

Your exact requirements will be considered by the designer – these include your lifestyle and personality, as well as your individual needs and family dynamic.

How you intend to utilise the room on a daily basis, and how special occasions might change this routine, is a major part of what we would like to know. Should we plan for any pets or kids? Will you be cooking with your partner? How many people are expected to be in the space?

Simple elements of usage must also be considered. Be they high or low, all cupboards must be easy to reach. Furthermore, it is important to cater for any disabilities or specific requirements.

2. Solving Your Problems Practically

Each home is unique; as such, each kitchen should also be different in its own way.

Whatever space you have, a bespoke kitchen should be able to fit perfectly into it – without appearing out of place. For standard ready-made kitchen sizes, uneven walls, awkward spaces and supporting columns can be quite problematic. However, you can make the most out of these unique features with a custom approach.

3. Creates All The Space You Need

All our clients prioritize storage space.

The kitchen equipment you own, and how you normally use will be considered when creating a bespoke design. Whether neatly tucked away or displayed in plain sight, each item will then be given its own space.

A custom-made kitchen comes with endless possibilities. It is possible to fully customise all our units. When it comes to drawer partitions, pull-out shelves, in cabinet drawers and shelving, you can create a variety of configurations.

4. Get The Exact Colours You Want

We are confident that we can be able to match your bespoke kitchen to any colour you want.

Alongside the traditional natural wood textures, blues and greys are the current favourites, when it comes to specific kitchen colour schemes. With a tailor-made approach, you do not have to limit your options to what is available from high street brands or prevailing trends. When getting a new kitchen it may also inspire you to get a brand new softwood staircase.

5. Perfect Finishing

More often than not, it is the tiny finishing details that set custom kitchens apart from the rest.

To ensure that every choice matches your exact needs, your kitchen designer will take every aspect of the room into consideration.

For flooring, cabinet handles and other accessories, we are not limited to working with just a single supplier. As such, we can make sure that each part of the space matches your exact preferences.

From task lighting and ceiling lights to colour changing strips of light installed along the plinths, we understand just how important lighting is when it comes to creating the perfect kitchen.

The kitchen is a popular spice that is used for a variety of activities, something that will be taken into account by a bespoke approach. For instance, kitchen appliances are not the only ones that will need power sockets. To keep charging devices out of site, sockets may also be needed in cupboards or at seating areas. Smart technology and ways of incorporating such controls in the working of your kitchen will also be factored in by a good design.

6. Seamless Installation

Before on-site installation, your bespoke kitchen will be assembled in our workshop.

To ensure that every part of your new kitchen is perfectly installed, our professional installers may have to spend a couple of weeks in your home. However, the outcome will make it all worth it!

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